My Muse
Every artist  must have a muse.  Since I have no kids, this task falls to my niece.  All through high school, it was so much fun making her beautiful dresses, and of course when she was a deb, we did a beautiful dress for her (below).  Now she's a bride-to-be so this year I will be very active with my muse!

Click image for close-up view Click picture for close up view



First Prom...
Proms are great fun in high school, but it's hard to tell who has more fun - my muse or me! last prom.
We were both inspired by this beautiful red satin.


From the back
It had a train and was probably a little much for the high school prom, but she is my muse after all!

The first time I was able to show off my embroidery was for my niece.  Her dress was a masterpiece of hand embroidery. The next few pictures show the embroidery in detail.


One of the fun things I was able to do for Kate's dress was the different textures in white - chiffon, organza, satin, taffeta all made for a very interesting effect in the final dress.


Finished on the hoop
...and here it is finished on my large hoop I use to do most of this embroidery.

All done!
Well that was quick wasn't it!  Actually it's easy on a cute girl!


Prom Painting
This was a painting waiting to happen - from the first prom dress.


A younger Kate
This is from when she was younger with my puppy - when he was a puppy!

