My Muse
Every artist must have a muse. Since I have no kids, this task falls to
my niece. All through high school, it was so much fun making her beautiful
dresses, and of course when she was a deb, we did a beautiful dress for her
(below). Now she's a bride-to-be so this year I will be very active with
my muse!
Click picture for close up view
First Prom...
Proms are great fun in high school, but it's hard to tell who has more fun - my
muse or me! last prom.
We were both inspired by this beautiful red satin.
From the back
It had a train and was probably a little much for the high school prom, but she
is my muse after all!
The first time I was able to show off my embroidery was for my niece. Her
dress was a masterpiece of hand embroidery. The next few pictures show the
embroidery in detail.
One of the fun things I was able to do for Kate's dress was the different
textures in white - chiffon, organza, satin, taffeta all made for a very
interesting effect in the final dress.
Finished on the hoop
...and here it is finished on my large hoop I use to do most of this embroidery.
All done!
Well that was quick wasn't it! Actually it's easy on a cute girl!
Prom Painting
This was a painting waiting to happen - from the first prom dress.
A younger Kate
This is from when she was younger with my puppy - when he was a puppy!