This gown was done from Zibelene which is a relative to Alaskine used by Jackie
O. The trick here is that once the fabric is folded, it's like paper - can
not be "unfolded" or pressed out. In addition, the dress had to be stored
in plenty of space. But once on the bride, it was beautiful.

After I first meet with my clients, I will draw a mechanical sketch. This
is, once approved, what I will draw the pattern from, and gives me almost all
the information I need to make up the dress.

After the design has been approved, we start on the muslin. I always think
the finished muslin is as beautiful as the dress for I know the work that has
gone into each one of my muslins!

I'm not above wrapping a piece of fabric around a client just to demonstrate
color, design, or the total look. This beautiful young lady is a perfect
match for this jade silk, and sure enough it turned out beautifully. See the
finished dress here.

After the cut, the fabric is essential - body, weight, sheer, flowing, light,
full, layers - the combinations are infinite. One of the fun tasks is
sorting through all these options for my clients.

Often there is a little extra that I can create for the wedding. Creating a
beautiful individually designed piece is one of the most fun things I do.

Ciphers are monogram devices where the letters are interwoven with each other.
Here is a cipher monogram for KS.

For the bride
Often I will do a cipher or monogram on a silk ribbon to carry around the
bouquet as "something blue".

Almost all young designers start with their Barbies then quickly move to
themselves. I started creating clothes for myself because I couldn't find
what I wanted in the stores. I am very picky which is probably why I don't
mind picky clients! Here's an example of the simple
elegant style I wanted for my Sophomore year prom in high school.
This is an excellent example of why red-heads should never wear pink, but I was
young and whatever!!!